Congress will determine the location of the Academy through the legislative process. One site that stands out as a logical potential site is our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. As the seat of the federal government, Washington offers opportunities that would be invaluable to Academy students:
- Internships where students would be able to get hands-on experience in public service
- Partnerships with government agencies that could provide speakers and visiting professors for Academy classes
- Easy access to research materials and subjects
More intangibly, living and studying in Washington will give Academy students an insider’s view on the federal government, warts and all. When they return home to become citizen leaders, they will have a better understanding of the potential and limitations of the federal government.
Washington, D.C., is our nation’s showcase, and it should offer a top-quality national public institution open to all Americans. The District offers numerous potential sites for a new college, but one in particular is practical, feasible, and well-placed: Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Georgia Avenue in Northwest. Slated for closure by the military, Walter Reed and its stately campus of beautiful oak trees and brick buildings cry out for a new mission, a new national institution that will bring pride to the community. With 113 acres of rolling green hills and grassy walking areas, the Walter Reed complex is an ideal setting for an urban college. The Capitol lies just two miles away by bus or Metro, giving students and faculty easy access to the national historic sites and resources.
Washington, however, is not the only potential site for the Academy, and Congress will make the ultimate decision about location. More important than the location is the concept itself – our nation needs a national public service university.